I am a Professor of Physiology at Medical School Berlin, and head of a computational neurobiology research lab.
My research interests revolve around using computers to understand learning and memory, from simulating how proteins in the brain work together to strengthen the connection between neurons to using educational data to understand how students learn. My teaching this semester includes Physics, Academic Research, and Physiolgy.
I did my pre- and postdoctoral work with Nicolas Le Novère at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in Cambridge (UK). During that time, I also spent six months as a visiting fellow in Shinya Kuroda's lab at the University of Tokyo. I obtained my PhD from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Clare College, Cambridge in 2009. After that, I worked as a postdoc in neuroscience with Mary B.Kennedy at the California Institute of Technology (2010-2013), and then as a lecturer and curriculum fellow for quantitative biology at Harvard Medical School (2013-2014). From 2015 to 2022, I was an Edinburgh-Zhejiang lecturer (from 2020: senior lecturer), running a research lab in Edinburgh and co-developing Edinbrugh-Zhejiang joint degree programmes in Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Informatics in Haining, China. I joined Medical School Berlin as a full professor in 2022.
My Erdös-Bacon number is (at most) 8.
My research group can be found here.